Spring Mediator
Mediation is a dispute resolution process opposing parties work with a neutral third-party mediator in an attempt to resolve the issues being disputed and avoid continued litigation. If an agreement is reached, the agreement is memorialized in a written Mediated Settlement Agreement which is then drafted into a court order to reflect the terms outlined in the Mediated Settlement Agreement.
Most courts require mediation before a contested, evidentiary hearing. However, even if the court does not require mediation, attorneys or parties often elect to attend mediation as a cost-saving effort to avoid continued litigation.
As an experienced mediator, Amy Thomas Perez provides information about the law and legal process, but does not represent or advocate for either party and does not provide legal advice. She is able to effectively assist the parties in exploring all options to help them come to a resolution on the issues at hand.
Full day mediations are available beginning at 8:30 am; half day mediations are available beginning at 8:30 am or 1:30 pm. Mediations are done here at Amy Thomas Perez Law Firm PC, conveniently located in the Spring area at 8140 Spring Cypress, Spring, Texas 77379.
Contact Amy Thomas Perez Law Firm, PC
Please call (281) 803-5850 for Amy Thomas Perez’s mediation availability.